High School Reading List

I love reading and it was definitely one of the things I wanted to pass onto my kids.

I know that it’s an uphill battle these days but I really encourage you to get your kids to read. In many ways, it will save you a lot of grief later. Reading can mitigate so many other educational issues that can arise.

Reasons to Encourage Reading

It will help your kids to be better writers. Not only in form, but also with ideas. They will have a richer depth to draw from. When I work with teens and their writing, it’s always easy to tell who reads and who doesn’t. If they are not regular readers, they usually stare at essay prompts and don’t know how to start.

It will give them the ability to self-teach and work through dry textbooks.

It will help them to understand more of the world and people.

It will help them to formulate ideas and opinions.

And honestly, it is one way to strengthen your kid’s mind and teach resiliency. Reading about the lives, experiences, and suffering of other people can help them to see that they are not alone. That people endure terrible things and can make it through.

When gatherings books, I always encourage you to check your library first. Borrow whatever books you can. Most even have inter-library loan services so they can get whatever book you are looking for even if they don’t have it.

The following is a part of my daughter’s reading list from her upper middle and high school years. I had her keep a reading list for homeschool documentation but it has also turned out to be a wonderful souvenir.

I know how hard and time consuming it is to find good books for your kids to read. Hopefully, you will find this list helpful.

Good Luck!

Reading List

  1. Of Mice and Men- Steinbeck
  2. The Chronicles of Narnia- Lewis
  3. A Wrinkle in Time- L’Engle
  4. The Hobbit- Tolkien
  5. Sherlock Holmes (all books)- Doyle
  6. Johnny Tremain- Forbes
  7. The Outsiders- Hinton
  8. To Kill A Mockingbird- Lee
  9. I, Juan de Pareja- Trevino
  10. Pride and Prejudice- Austen
  11. The Giver- Lowery
  12. Kidnapped- Stevenson
  13. A Midsummer Night’s Dream- Shakespeare
  14. The Slopes of War- Perez
  15. Escape Across the Wide Sea- Kirkpatrick
  16. Little Women- Alcott
  17. Little Men- Alcott
  18. Number the Stars- Lowry
  19. The Good Master- Seredy
  20. The War of the Worlds- Wells
  21. A Wind in the Door- L’Engle
  22. A Swiftly Tilting Planet- L’Engle
  23. Many Waters- L’Engle
  24. The Arm of the Starfish- L’Engle
  25. Dragons in the Waters- L’Engle
  26. Murder on the Orient Express- Christie
  27. The Fellowship of the Ring- Tolkien
  28. Fahrenheit 451- Bradbury
  29. Snow Treasure- McSwigan
  30. Pictures of Hollis Woods- Giff
  31. Ella Enchanted- Levine
  32. The Invention of Hugo Cabret- Selznick
  33. The Two Towers- Tolkien
  34. Shadow Spinner- Fleacher
  35. Jane Eyre- Bronte
  36. Frankenstein- Shelley
  37. The Help- Stockett
  38. Year of Impossible Goodbyes- Choi
  39. Romeo and Juliet- Shakespeare
  40. The Return of the King- Tolkien
  41. A War of Gifts- Card
  42. A Separate Peace- Knowles
  43. And Then There Were None- Christie
  44. Animal Farm- Orwell
  45. The Catcher in the Rye- Salinger
  46. Black Like Me- Griffin
  47. A Proud Taste for Scarlet and Miniver- Konigsburg
  48. Metamorphosis- Kafka
  49. The Good Earth- Buck
  50. The Pearl- Steinbeck
  51. The Glass Menagerie- Williams
  52. The Old Man and the Sea- Hemingway
  53. The Seventeenth Swap- McGraw
  54. Just So Stories- Kipling
  55. Death on the Nile- Christie
  56. The Fisherman’s Lady- MacDonald
  57. Uncle Tom’s Cabin- Stowe
  58. The Great Gatsby- Fitzgerald
  59. Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl- Frank
  60. The House of Sixty Fathers- Dejong
  61. All Quiet On the Western Front- Remarque
  62. The Cherry Orchard- Chekhov
  63. The Grapes of Wrath- Steinbeck
  64. Emma- Austen
  65. Slumdog Millionaire- Swarup
  66. From Distant Days: Myth, Tales and Poetry from Ancient Mesopotamia- Foster
  67. World Religions- Bowker
  68. Norton Anthology: Western Literature 
  69. The Kite Runner- Hosseini
  70. Les Miserables- Hugo
  71. Change Me into Zeus’ Daughter- Moss
  72. Beowulf
  73. Canterbury Tales- Chaucer
  74. Much Ado About Nothing- Shakespeare
  75. Henry V- Shakespeare
  76. The Tempest- Shakespeare
  77. Don Quixote- Cervantes
  78. The Rape of the Lock- Pope
  79. Sense and Sensibility- Austen
  80. Lord of the Flies- Golding
  81. O Pioneers!- Cather
  82. The Scarlett Letter- Hawthorne
  83. Hunger of Memory- Rodriguez
  84. Analects- Confucius
  85. Iliad- Homer
  86. Odyssey- Homer
  87. Huckleberry Finn- Twain
  88. Walden- Thoreau 
  89. Sybil- Schreiber
  90. Great Expectations- Dickens
  91. The Book Thief- Zusak
  92. The Flames of Rome- Maier
  93. Wuthering Heights- Bronte
  94. Crime and Punishment- Dostoyevsky
  95. Pygmalion- Shaw
  96. A Room with a View- Forster
  97. Macbeth- Shakespeare
  98. Persuasion- Austen
  99. Killer Angels- Shaara
  100. Anna Karenina-Tolstoy

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